Tasty ground meat with sweet filling
Okres przedświąteczny dla wychowanków Akademii Piłkarskiej St. Rąbała Jedynka Pelplin to czas podsumowań dotychczasowych osiągnięć oraz okazja do wprowadzenia się w atmosferę Bożego Narodzenia.Ingredients:
- ½ kg poultry meat (chicken breast)
- ½ kg pork meat (shoulder or neck)
- 2 onions
- 5 cloves of garlic
- Salt, pepper, nutmeg (to taste)
- 1 egg
Apricot mousse: 2 oranges, 20 dag of dried apricots, 2 teaspoons of potatoes
Stock for steaming the rolls: 1 carrot, a piece of celery and leek, 3 bay leaves and 6 grains of allspice, salt, water (enough water to slightly cover the rolls in the pot). In addition, 3 pieces of gauze measuring 30 cm x 30 cm and a string to tie the ends of the roulade.
First prepare the apricot mousse: scald the oranges, grate the peel from one and squeeze the juice from both. Put the juice and zest into a pot, add the dried apricots cut into strips. Cover the pot and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking add potato sauce dissolved in 3 tablespoons of water. Stir, cool and blend to a smooth mousse. Put the mousse into a sugar sleeve without the tip. Set aside and prepare the meat. Mince the meat, chop the onion into small cubes. Press the garlic. Put everything into a bowl, add egg and spices, mix well. Spread ground meat on gauze creating a rectangle 20 cm x 15 cm. Prepared earlier apricot mousse.
Press the apricot mousse prepared earlier into a roll in the middle of the meat rectangle. Fold the edges of the meat together into a roulade, taking care not to disturb the apricot mousse. All together carefully and tightly roll up several times in unfolded gauze. Tie the ends of the roulade with string, leaving no slack. In a pot prepare the stock from the chopped vegetables. Put the roulades into the boiling stock, cover with a lid and steam on very low heat for 30 minutes. Remove the roulades, cool, unwrap the gauze and cut into centimeter slices. Can be served with any sauce or as cold meat on sandwiches.
The recipe was prepared by Krystyna Gierszewska, our culinary expert.